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Thousands of Aussies Losing Weight & Keeping It Off!

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Why Choose Optislim?

Clinically Proven Weight Loss: Programs and products developed by nutrition experts over 25 years

Money Back Guarantee: Lose weight in 30 days or your money back

Affordable and Convenient: Starting from $1.42 per meal. Perfect for on-the-go lifestyles

Support and Motivation: Available through phone, email, and our Optislim Club Community. Designed to assist you on your weight loss journey

VLCD Program: How It Works

FAST WEIGHT LOSS: Designed for intense & effective weight loss.

SHAKES, BARS & SOUPS: 3 delicious meal replacement options to choose from for variety. You can mix & match each day.

MEAL REPLACEMENTS & SNACKS: 3x VLCD meal replacements, 2x snacks & 2L water per day.


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LCD Program: How It Works

BALANCED WEIGHT LOSS: Designed for fast & healthy weight loss.

SHAKES & SNACKS: 2x shakes, 2x snacks and 1x regular meal per day.

HAVE A BEER OR WINE: Still enjoy your glass of wine or a beer!


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The Effectiveness of Meal Replacement Products for Weight loss

Studies have shown that meal replacement products can be a very effective way to support weight loss. In a 12-week study published in the International Journal of Obesity, participants who used meal replacements lost significantly more weight than those who followed a standard reduced-calorie diet. Additionally, a systematic review of 23 studies found that meal replacements were a more effective way to achieve weight loss than conventional diet plans.